Travel with Dudley & Mona...
Welcome aboard. Travel via pictures and video with Mona and I. Mona and I have been on a journey together since June 27, 1963. There have been a few rocky times, but most of the journey has been smooth sailing. (Yes, we did some sailing too!) Our journey started with a year of college at Texas A&M then on to Houston, Texas and dental school. We had a private dental practice in Baytown, Texas for five years. Then the Lord sent us to Nepal as missionaries for almost 18 years. We moved back to the states for a time, again practicing dentistry in Baytown, and Leakey, Texas before moving to our current home in Taiwan. If I had to start over, I would do it all again, there is nothing like a journey with a beautiful loving wife by your side and Jesus as Lord planning out each step one travels....